We picked this bike up last fall in a multi bike sort of deal. Actually, we had to buy 3 others from the guy so we could get our hands on this one! Restored to mostly stock, she now sounds, looks, and feels great. She's super light (lets just say she weighs less than some of our past girlfriends) and is a hoot to ride around town and back roads. All we can say is this; she may look small, but once you get this puppy in her powerband... hang on. If you've never ridden one of these, you will be pleasantly surprised. Head on over to thebikeshed.cc to check out their article.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
1968 YAMAHA AS1-C Street Scrambler
We picked this bike up last fall in a multi bike sort of deal. Actually, we had to buy 3 others from the guy so we could get our hands on this one! Restored to mostly stock, she now sounds, looks, and feels great. She's super light (lets just say she weighs less than some of our past girlfriends) and is a hoot to ride around town and back roads. All we can say is this; she may look small, but once you get this puppy in her powerband... hang on. If you've never ridden one of these, you will be pleasantly surprised. Head on over to thebikeshed.cc to check out their article.